Warner Bros executive vicepresident and chief corporate communications officer Barbara Brogliatti isretiring from the company after 18 years to focus on teaching, philanthropy andwine-making in the Napa Valley.
Brogliatti's full-timeduties as official spokesperson and chief press officer and strategist for thestudio will end on May 31, however she will continue as an industry and PRconsultant for Warner Bros and help in the selection and transition of herreplacement.
"It's simply time to moveon," Brogliatti said in a statement. "I am leaving the whine for the wine. Rayand I have established a wonderful life in the Napa Valley, but the rigours andthe pressures of this career, of this industry, just don't allow us enough timeto enjoy it.
"I have been working 24/7since I graduated from college, and that has taken a huge toll on my golfswing, my back hand, my sightseeing and my wine tasting."
"Barbara is one of the mostrespected and talented public relations executives in the industry, she istruly without peer," chairman and chief executive officer Barry Meyer said.
"Her expertise, experience,instincts and breadth of knowledge have made her an integral part of WarnerBros, Time Warner and the industry. We wish her only the best in the nextchapter of her life."
"I've known and respectedBarbara for some 30 years," Warner Bros president and chief operating officerHorn added. "Like many in the industry, I have often relied on her throughoutthe years for expert PR counsel, and now I look forward to relying on her tohelp train the next generation of top PR professionals and, of course, forexcellent wine."
Brogliatti arrived at WarnerBros in October 1990 following the acquisition of Lorimar, rising to seniorvice president of corporate communications in 1997, then chief corporatecommunications officer, followed by her current title in 2004.
She also served as officialpress strategist and spokesperson for the Alliance of Motion Picture andTelevision Producers during its contract negotiations with the industry guilds,as well as chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America'sPR/educational task force on intellectual property and piracy.
Prior to Lorimar, Brogliattispent 11 years overseeing worldwide publicity, promotion and advertising at NormanLear's Embassy Communications/TAT/Tandem.
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