Good Bye, Lenin! star Daniel Bruehl has signed onto take the lead in new Spanish feature Salvador from Barcelona-basedMEDIApro.
Theaction film turns on the last two years in the life of 1970's Catalan politicalmartyr Salvador Puig Antich, who was imprisoned at the tail end of the Francoera.
MEDIApro chief Jaume Roures and head of international JavierMendez met in Berlin with potential European co-producers on the estimatedEuros 6m film shooting next summer in Barcelona, Valencia and France.
Bruhl, who was born in Barcelona to a Catalan mother andGerman father, won the best European actor award in 2003 for Goodbye, Lenin!
Manuel Huerga, who directed the recent European Film Awardsceremony in Barcelona, will direct Salvador from a script by Lluis Arcarazobased on the Francesc Escribano book The Story Behind: The History OfSalvador Puig Antich. Lluis Llach, author of the Puig Antich ballad I SiCanto Trist, will compose the film's soundtrack.
Citing filmmakers such asCosta-Gavras, Roures describes the project as "having two facets: action andpolitical content." The local personalities "embody universal themes whichhaven't lost their contemporaneity," such as the use of the death penalty orhow tragic fates can befall idealistic youth.
MediaPro has carved a nicheco-producing socially-charged fare, such as Oliver Stone's Comandante,Fernando Leon's Mondays In The Sun (Los Lunes Al Sol), and the PatricioGuzman documentary Allende
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