Buena Vista International Spain (BVIS), which last autumn announced its full-fledged entry into local feature film co-production, has added two more titles to its slate: Cat Kisses (Besos De Gato) and Hold-Up At 3... Thirty (Atraco A Las 3... Y Media).
Rafael Alcazar directs the Euros 2m Kisses, a co-production with Blue Legend set to begin shooting June 24. Up-and-coming TV actress Leticia Dolera stars across Juanjo Puigcorbe (Amnesia) in the story of a father and daughter who must come to terms with each other over the course of one night. Dolera is understood to have recently been signed to the cast of Antonio Banderas megaproduction Imagining Argentina, pushing the Kisses shoot back two weeks.
Hold-Up stars a cluster of local actors in the tale of a group of bank employees who decide to rob their own bank when a planned merger spells early retirement for them all. Raul Marchand directs the Euros 3m film, a co-production with Pedro Maso PC expected to wrap shooting this weekend.
Under the direction of BVIS general manager Javier Vasallo and assistant GM Alvaro Zapata, the company has already co-produced Witch Thing (Cosa De Brujas), a psychological thriller from director Jose Miguel Juarez currently in post-production, and coming-of-age comedy El Florido Pensil, shot late last year and released locally in March.
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