Spoof film Spanish Movie racks up sales ahead of the European Film Market.
Spoof film Spanish Movie - dubbed the Iberian answer to The Naked Gun - has racked up sales in advance of the EFM for Madrid-based Filmax International.
The horror comedy, which mocks popular Spanish movies such as The Others, The Orphanage and Rec, has sold to Japan (AT Entertainment), Germany (Universum), Mexico (Corazon Film), Brazil + Pay TV Latin America (Swen), Benelux (Paradiso), Portugal (Lusomondo), CIS (Film Depot), Poland (Kino Swiat), Peru-Bolivia-Ecuador (Eurofilms Peru) and Puerto Rico (Wiesner Distribution).
Released in Spain in early December on 400 prints by Hispano Fox Film, Spanish Movie has posted over $10 million at the local box-office.
Directed by Javier Ruiz Caldera, Spanish Movie features an all-star cast and includes a cameo from The Naked Gun star Leslie Nielsen.
It is produced by Telecinco Cinema & Think Studio in association with Ciudadano Ciskul & Pulga Entertainment, Fox International Productions, AXN, Telecinco andCanal Plus in collaboration with ICAA and ICO.
Filmax is holding market screenings in Berlin.
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