Warner BrosPictures International (WBPI) has ruled the roost with Charlie And TheChocolate Factory overrecent weeks and executives will be looking to consolidate the picture's$206m-plus international running total with more strong holds this weekend.
Meanwhile animated family title Tim Burton's The CorpseBride gets its first major internationaldebut this weekend when it launches in Taiwan on Oct 1. Sci-fi adventure TheIsland stands at more than $123.4m.
WBPI will alsounleash Warner's Italian co-production Romanzo Criminale in Italy on Sept 30 and Germanco-production Little Polar Bear 2 in Germany on Sept 29. The distributor also released Frenchpick-up Les Amis Grisesin France on Sept 28.
Universal's The40-Year-Old Virgin opensthrough UIP in Germany and Russia on Sept 29 and Mexico the following day.
Comedies are a tough sell overseas because of culturaldifferences in humour, however the picture has done well from the early stagesof its run so far and has amassed more than $12.2m.
Universal'ssci-fi adventure Serenity opens in Australia on Sept 29 day and daye with its US release,and Paramount's drama Four Brothers opens in the UK on Sept 30.
Paramount'sfamily title The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie opens in South Korea on Sept 30 throughUIP; it and has taken more than $53m through all its markets to date.
Sony PicturesReleasing International's (SPRI) Bewitched opens in Italy and Brazil on Sept 30 on 306 and 200 printsrespectively. The international cumulative total is $51.3m to date.
Comedy sequel DeuceBigalow: European Gigoloopens in the UK on Sept 30 on 170 and in Taiwan on Oct 1 on 70. The originalopened in fourth place in May 2000 on just under $700,000 and executives willbe looking to build on that result on the back of star Rob Schneider's higherinternational profile.
DeuceBigalow: European Gigolohas grossed $11.3m to date. SPRI's comedy remake The Longest Yard has no major releases scheduled thisweekend and stands at $26.7m.
Buena VistaInternational's (BVI) Depression Era drama Cinderella Man opens in Australia on Sept 29; it hasgrossed $27.4m through all its markets to date.
Milkshake Films'football drama Goal! getsits first worldwide releases through BVI when it opens in the UK on Sept 30 andseveral smaller markets.
Football's fanatical global following augurs well for thefilm on which BVI has picked up worldwide rights excluding Germany, Austria,Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
Thriller Flightplan opens in Mexico on Sept 30 following itsnumber one launch in North America and Malaysia last weekend. Herbie: FullyLoaded has amassed morethan $73.5m and horror title Dark Water stands at more than $17.9m to date.
FoxInternational opens Fantastic Four in China on Sept 29 on 204 prints. The picture has amassed $166mthrough all distributors so far.
Action sequel TheTransporter 2 opens inAustralia on Sept 29 on 133 and has grossed $21.2m so far.
Romantic comedy FeverPitch opens in Italy onSept 30 and Night Watchopens in France on Sept 28 on 121.
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