The Cannes Market is toextend its operations with the launch this ear of a separate section for shortfilms.
In the Palais des Festivalsthe market will create a new area "Short Film Corner" devoted entirely toshorts. It will include a meeting place for short film producers, institutionsand festival programmers that is equipped with a dedicated screening room, avideo library and a video server containing digital copies of all the filmssubmitted.
"The Cannes festival hasalways regarded short films as cinematographic works in their own right, havinggiven them their own competition and Palme d'Or as well as the Cinefondation,created in 1998 for the discovery of new talents," said market chief JeromePaillard.
The market will publish aseparate catalogue of all the shorts at the festival and from April launch aspecial internet site can be signed up to participate via the website. Access to the Short FilmCorner will be open to all market and festival participants.
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