The story will be based on a screenplay by Perkins' daughter and former songwriting partner Debbie 'DJ' Perkins. Fastlane founder Frank Miniaci will produce with Chesley Heymsfield.
'I wrote a screenplay with Rick Korn and Randy Moore, called The Thinkin' Place, based on what my father told me a few days prior to his death,' Perkins said.
'Our intention, with telling my dad's story, is to create a film that is not just another rock and roll biographical picture, but rather a movie that the average person can relate to and walk out feeling good about his/her own life journey.
Paul McCartney, who has said that without Perkins The Beatles would not have formed, is lending support on the project, alongside other notable musicians to be announced. McCartney's company MPL controls publishing rights to Perkins' catalogue.
Perkins' illustrious songwriting career spawned such legendary songs as 'Blue Suede Shoes', 'Matchbox', 'Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby', and 'Honey Don't'.
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