Matthew MichaelCarnahan will adapt the BBC's BAFTA award winning political thriller StateOf Play for UniversalPictures, which acquired remake rights to the mini-series last year fromMission Pictures.
Andrew Hauptmanwill produce the feature through Mission Pictures along with executive TracyFalco. State Of Playmini-series creator Paul Abbott will serve as executive producer.
UniversalPictures president of production Donna Langley is overseeing the project forthe studio.
State Of Play centres on a government official and hisformer campaign manager turned journalist who become involved in a series ofseemingly unrelated murders.
The mini-serieswas nominated for seven and won three BAFTAs in 2004, including best actor forBill Nighy, best editing and best sound.
Carnahan'swriting credits include adapting the James Elroy novel White Jazz, which his brother Joe Carnahan isattached to direct.
He also wrote TheKingdom, which will bedirected by Peter Berg and produced by Michael Mann for Universal.
Mission andHauptman most recently produced Danny Boyle's Millions for Pathe Pictures. Fox Searchlightreleased the film domestically last spring.
Carnahan is represented by Endeavor and attorney StuartRosenthal of Bloom, Hergott, Diemer, Rosenthal & LaViolette.
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