Pixar's latest creation Cars destroyed the competition at the weekend as it roared tothe top on an estimated $62.8m through Buena Vista. Box office for the top 12pictures combined for $148.8m, up 8% against the same weekend last year.
The result, while slightly below expectations, maintained Pixar'sperfect record of number one launches and was the third biggest launch for aPixar picture behind The Incredibles and Finding Nemo. It also marks the first release since Disney acquiredPixar back in January.
John Lasseter's picture stars the vocal talents of Owen Wilson andPaul Newman among others and averaged $15,759.
Universal's comedy The Break-Up fell to second place on $20.5m in itssecond weekend for a $74.1m tally after two weekends, once place ahead of Fox'sX-Men: The Last Stand on$15.6m for $201.7m after three.
Fox's horror remake The Omen directed by John Moore and starring Liev Schreiber and JuliaStiles finished in fourth place on $15.5m after its mighty $12.6m Tuesdayopening. After six days it stands at $35.7m.
The only other new release to break into the top 10 was RobertAltman's ensemble piece A Prairie Home Companion, handled in North America throughPicturehouse.
The picture, which took $4.7m on 760 screens, features astarry cast including Kevin Kline, Lindsay Lohan, Meryl Streep, Woody Harrelson,Lily Tomlin and Tommy Lee Jones, among others.
Next weekend's wide releases are Fox's family sequel Garfield:A Tail Of Two Kitties;Paramount's comedy Nacho Libre starring Jack Black; Universal's action sequel The Fast And TheFurious: Tokyo Drift starringLucas Black; and Warner Bros' romance The Lake House, which stars Keanu Reeves and SandraBullock.
Estimated Top Ten North America June 9-11, 2006
Film (Distributor)/International distribution/Estimated weekendgross/Estimated total to date
1 (-) Cars(Buena Vista/Pixar) BVI $62.8m -
2 (1) The Break-Up (Universal) UIP $20.5m $74.1m
3 (2) X-Men: The Last Stand (Fox) Fox Intl $15.55m $201.7m
4 (-) The Omen (Fox) Fox Int'l $15.45 $35.7m
5 (3) Over The Hedge (Paramount) UIP $10.3m $130.3m
6 (4) The Da Vinci Code (Sony) SPRI $10.3m $189m
7 (-) A Prairie Home Companion (Picturehouse) Capitol Films $4.7m -
8 (5) Mission: Impossible III (Paramount) UIP $3m $127.5m
9 (7) RV(Sony) SPRI $2m $65m
10 (6) Poseidon(Warner Bros) WBPI $1.8m$54.9m
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