Tom Hanks, who won the Golden Globe for best actor on Sunday night, continued to reign at the UK box office over the weekend as Cast Away held first position in its second week. The UIP film took $3,527,590 (£2,402,289) from 393 sites for an impressive three-day site average of $8,976. None of this week's openers were able to overtake the desert island drama and awards success should help it to sustain strong receipts. Cast Away faces tough opposition next week however as Columbia TriStar's Almost Famous, Entertainment's Traffic and Warner Bros' Pay It Forward all make their entrances.
Columbia TriStar's Vertical Limit was the best performer amongst the weekend's openers. The actioner claimed second position with takings of $2,794,441 (£1,903,014) from 301 sites, and achieved a healthy site average of $7,147. The other big opener, Buena Vista International's Bounce, could only manage seventh place with $318,003 (£216,560) from 211 sites.
Elsewhere, UIP lost its gamble on releasing Beautiful Creatures, produced by UK National Lottery franchise DNA Films, on an ambitious 191 screens. The film took just $156,156 (£106,342) for the lowest site average - $818 - of any opener over the weekend.
Other limited openers showed stronger results over the weekend. 20th Century Fox's Quills opened in London, ahead of going wide on February 2, with a mighty $119,134 ($81,130) from only 14 sites. About Adam, which opened in Ireland only where it is distributed by BVI, took $126,981 (£86,474) from 42 sites and grabbed the number 14 position, not far behind Quills at 12. The film features another Golden Globe winner, Kate Hudson. Momentum's Requiem For A Dream took $84,189 ($57,333) from 16 sites for a $5,261 average.
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