Nora Von Waldstattenand Gary Lewis are set to star in Pinball Films' Kaz, directed by Ashley Horner.
The English-languageproject, budgeted at less than $1.2m (1m Euros), will be shot in HD. Theproject is backed by Northern Film and Media (which also put up developmentfunding), digital facility VMI, and private equity. No sales agent is yetattached.
Von Waldstatten,who previously appeared in Cannes 2005 title Falscher Bekenner (Low Profile), plays a feisty German rock journalist who discoversshe's inherited an incurable blood disorder from a father she never knew(Lewis) who lives in
'It's a drama with a rockand roll heartbeat at its core,' said Horner.
Producers Horner and MichaelMitchell of Pinball plan to shoot in
Pinball will follow Kaz with Horner'snext project in development, AnotherGirl, Another Planet.
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