Celluloid Dreams has pickedup worldwide sales rights to Marebito, the latest horror picture fromTakashi Shimizu, and immediately closed a deal for the US and UK with HamishMcAlpine's Tartan Films.

Shimizuis the director of cult Japanese horror film The Grudge and its sequelas well as the US remake starring Sarah Michelle Gellar which is set forrelease through Columbia Pictures in the US on Oct 22.

World premiered in the digital section (Venezia Digitale)at Venice last week, Marebito stars Shinya Tsukamoto as a videocameraman possessed by the desire for fear who becomes obsessed with finding anevil robot which could make him experience fear.

Celluloid Dreams' Hengameh Penahi closed the deal justprior to Venice with production company Eurospace in Japan. A midnightscreening of the film, which is shot on digital, will be put on for buyers atToronto.

Meanwhile Celluloid Dreams alsosold North American theatrical and home video distribution rights to USdistributor Wolfe on Aleksi Salmenpera's Producing Adults, the Finnishromantic comedy which is screening in Toronto's Discovery section. Wolfepresident Maria Lynn brokered the deal with Charlotte Mickie of CelluloidDreams.