Charlie And The Chocolate Factory drew the winning ticket for the secondconsecutive weekend as the family remake grossed an estimated $14.4m on 2,500screens in 23 markets through Warner Bros Pictures International for a $67.2mrunning total.
The picture vanquished Typhoon Masa in Taiwan to open top on $720,200including previews on 63 prints, taking nearly 50% market share.
It opened top in the Philippines on $330,000 on 30 prints, and topin Argentina on $209,400 on 47 screens.
Charlie stayedtop in the UK in its second weekend on $8m for a mighty $34.2m running total,and top in Mexico after two on $990,350 for $3.5m.
The Island added $12.7m on nearly 3,000 prints in 20 markets for a $42.5minternational cumulative total, powered by number one debuts in Germany on$2.4m on 469 prints, Brazil on $908,200 on 250, and Norway on $378,600 on 60.
Australia stayed top in its second weekend on $930,300 for $2.9m,while South Korea added $2.3m in its third weekend for an impressive $16.7m.After three weekends Japan stands at $7.3m.
Batman Begins grossed $1.6m for a $160.2m international running total.
Buena Vista International (BVI) took Herbie: Fully Loaded into wide release over the weekend andthe family adaptation grossed $9.5m for an early $31.5m internationalcumulative total.
Highlights were openings in France on $2.9m, the UK in fourthplace on $1.5m and Germany in fourth place on $1.3m. All debuts weresignificantly better than those of The Pacifier.
After two weekends Belgium stands at $1.3m, while Mexico and Spainhave reached $4.9m and just over $2m respectively after three weekends.
Dark Water opened second in Mexico on $755,000; it has grossed $3.8m from theearly stages of its international run. Sin City added $1m for $28m through BVIterritories.
Paramount's War of The Worlds added $5.8m through UIP for a $324m total,and DreamWorks International's animated comedy Madagascar raised its running total by $8.2m to$226.3m through UIP and $238m including South Korea and China.
Fox International's Fantastic Four added $4.9m on 2,261 screens for a $115.6minternational running total.
The superhero adaptation openedtop in Denmark on $645,000 on 52 screens, and performed respectably in thirdweekend holdovers, adding $1.4m on 388 screens in the UK for $17.1m, and $1.2mon 610 in Spain for $13.1m.
Guess Who openedin France on $428,000 on 126 as it added $1.2m overall for an early $24mcumulative total.
Mr And Mrs Smith raised its international running total through Fox by $2.5m for$140.2m, powered by a superb number one $1.7m Belgian debut on 80. Polandstayed top in its second weekend on $759,000 on 100 for $2.1m.
Star Wars: Episode III stayed top in Japan for the fifth consecutive weekend as thepicture added $2.4m on 599 for $58.4m. Overall the picture has reached $439m ininternational ticket sales.
Universal's Skeleton Key added $2.5m for an early UIP running total of $6.5m fromFrance, the UK, Sweden and Spain.
The Gothic mystery opened in France on $950,000 on 246. The UKclimbed by $875,000 to $3.3m after two weekends, and Spain stands at $2.1mafter the same amount of time. The rest of the world will open over the nexttwo months.
Land Of The Dead opened in nine more territories for a weekend total of $1.4m thatraised the early running total to $4m.
Australia openedin third place on $475,000 on 150; Russian results will become available thisweek.
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