Kodak Digital Cinema and3-D specialist Real D have formed a strategic alliance to install digital 3-Dcinema systems in Australia.
Kodak will provide thesystems, which are driven by its unique software and will be equipped with RealD's stereoscopic technologies used to enable 3-D viewing.
The plan is for theinstallations to be complete in time for the country's upcoming premiere of ChickenLittle in 3-D on Jan 1, 2006.
Real D recently signed anexclusive deal to deliver Buena Vista's Chicken Little in 3-D to North American theatres. As ofThanksgiving the picture had grossed more than $7m on 88 3-D screens.
'This is the nextlogical step forward for Kodak Digital Cinema and a major leap for Kodak intothe world of high-quality 3-D motion pictures,' Kodak Digital Cinemageneral manager and vice president Bob Mayson said.
'Kodak has workedwith Disney on a number of 3-D films in conjunction with their theme parks, butthis is our first adventure in 3-D digital. We're thrilled to be working withReal D because they're pioneers of 3-D.'
'We look forward toworking with Kodak to address the digital 3-D needs of the global exhibitioncommunity, which have escalated as a result of the historic success of Real DCinema's presentation of Chicken Little in North America,' Real D chairman Michael V Lewis added.
'Chicken Little in 3-D is proving to be more than a movie, it's abrand new entertainment experience,' Buena Vista International presidentMark Zoradi said.
'We're thrilled to beworking with Kodak and Real D to bring that experience to a wider audience and,in the process, to bring new excitement to the future of theatricalentertainment.'
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