French-based sales companyVision International has picked up rights to Chilean picture Ultima Luna,currently in final edit. Ultima Luna was directed by Miguel Littin,Salvador Allende's former Minister of Culture.
Uniquely, for a Chilean,Spanish and Mexican co-production, Ultima Luna was 100% shot inPalestine and is an entirely Arabic-languageproduction. It centres around the wave of Palestinian immigrants toSouth America during the First World War and is based on Littin's own familyhistory. He produced it with his daughter Christina.
Vision, headed by MassimoSaidel, will premiere the picture later this summer.
Saidel's other label,Madrid-based sales company Latido Films, has sold Machuca, the CriticsWeek closing film, to France's Ocean Distribution.
Machuca has also been picked up by Belgium's CNC(Co-operative Nouveau Cinema) and is in final negotiations for other keyEuropean territories. CNC has also picked up Latido's Ultima Luna,Debutantes and The Art Of Losing, a Columbian picture in pre-productionby Sergio Cabrera.
Saidel has also picked uprights to new Argentine-Spanish co-production Hermanas, directed byJulia Solomonof, formerly Walter Salles' assistant. Salles, a hot competitioncontender with Motorcycle Diaries, has gone in as co-producer on thisall-girl romantic comedy under his Video Filmes banner.
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