Life Show, a drama directed by China's Huo Jianqi, scooped three awards at the sixth Shanghai International Film Festival (June 8-16) on Sunday night, including best film, best actress for Tao Hong's performance and best cinematography for Sun Ming.
Japanese feature, All About Lily Chou Chou, picked up the Special Jury Award and the award for best music which went to Takeshi Kobayashi. The film, directed by Iwai Shunji, has already had wide festival exposure, screening at both last September's Toronto International Film Festival and the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year.
The best director award went to Australia's David Ceasar for Mullet, a drama about a former football hero who returns home after a three-year absence. US actor Colin Farrell was awarded best actor for his role in MGM's prison camp picture, Hart's War. Best screenplay went to Korea's Ju Kyung-Jung for A Little Monk, which he also co-directed with Ju Kyung-Joong.
This year marks the beginning of the Shanghai festival as an annual event and the first time it has run concurrently with the Shanghai TV Festival. However, delegates waiting for news about reforms in the Chinese film industry were disappointed. An announcement had been expected on the launch of a second company to challenge China Film Corporation's monopoly on the distribution of foreign films in China, but no statement was made.
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