John Leguizamo, HectorElizondo and Fernanda Montenegro have joined the cast of Mike Newell's film ofGabriel Garcia Marquez's novel Love In The Time Of Cholera which is set to start shooting on Sept 4 inCartegena, Colombia and London.
They join Javier Bardem,Giovanna Mezzogiorno and Benjamin Bratt in the film which has been adapted byRonald Harwood and is being produced by Scott Steindorff and his Stone VillagePictures.
New Line has domestic rightsto the film, while Summit Entertainment is handling international sales. StoneVillage is fully financing the film and Stone Village executives Dylan Russelland Michael Roban are serving as executive producers with Chris Law.
The film is a story of theunconsummated love between a man (Bardem) and a woman (Mezzogiorno) in turn ofthe century South America. Leguizamo will play Mezzogiorno's father, Montenegrois to play Bardem's mother and Elizondo will play Bardem's businessman uncle.
Leguizamo is represented byScott Lambert at William Morris Agency and managed by The Collective; Elizondois represented by The Gersh Agency and Mark Teitelbaum of Teitelbaum ArtistsGroup; Montenegro is represented by Carmen Mello and FF Producoes ArtisticasLTDA.
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