American Cinema Group (ACG)has appointed Chris Davis International (CDI) the exclusive worldwidedistributor in all media for the ACG library which includes Go Tell TheSpartans and A Force Of One.
CDI will be licensing video,DVD and internet rights to the titles at Cannes next month and ACG'ssenior vice president, worldwide marketing, Eric Karson, will be attending themarket with Davis.
The library's keytitles are Ted Post's war actioner Go Tell The Spartans (1978) starring Burt Lancaster, Clive Donner'sCharlie Chan And The Curse Of The Dragon Queen (1981) with Peter Ustinov, Angie Dickinson andMichelle Pfeiffer, John Leone's The Great Smokey Roadblock aka The Last Of The Cowboys (1976) with Henry Fonda and the Chuck Norrisactioners A Force Of One (1979)and The Octagon (1980), thelatter of which was directed by Karson himself.
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