RobertDowney Jr, Ray Wise, Frank Langella, Jeff Daniels and Tate Donovan have joinedDavid Strathairn, Patricia Clarkson and George Clooney in Good Night. AndGood Luck, which Clooney is directing for Section Eight, 2929 Entertainmentand Participant Productions.
Thepicture, which has commenced principal photography, tells the story of renownedbroadcaster Edward R Murrow and his legendary on-air confrontations withSenator Joseph McCarthy that helped bring down the notorious politician.
WarnerIndependent Pictures plans to distribute the film in the US in May 2006.Foreign distribution is being handled by 2929 International headed by ShebnemAskin.
Clooneyand the picture's producer Grant Heslov co-wrote the screenplay. Clooney'sSection Eight partner Steven Soderbergh, Ben Cosgrove, Jennifer Fox, 2929co-founders Todd Wagner and Mark Cuban, Marc Butan and Participant founder JeffSkoll served as executive producers.
Overseasco-production partners are Metropolitan Films of France, the UK's Redbus, andTohokushinsha of Japan.
Based onactual events, the story follows broadcasting legend Murrow (Strathairn), andhis producer, Fred Friendly (Clooney), during the historic confrontations ofthe House Un-American Activities Committee anti-Communist hearings.
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