Edward Noeltner's CinemaManagement Group (CMG) has reported a string of Toronto sales on David Payne'shorror title Reeker and animatedproduction Conan: Red Nails.
Theatrical rights to Reeker, which played out of festival in a de facto marketscreening, went to Baditri in Spain, Dutch Film Works in Benelux, Cine Video yTV in Mexico, Swen Do Brazil in Brazil, Blanco & Travieso in Venezuela,Pasatiempo Pictures in Central America, Italia Film in the Middle East, and LNKin Portugal.
Prior to the festival CMGclosed Reeker deals with Pathe inthe UK and Bac Films in France. The story follows five strangers stranded at adesert motel who must unravel the mystery behind a terrifying series ofvisions. Tina Illman, Devon Gummersall and Arielle Kebbel star.
Theatrical deals on Conan:Red Nails, a 2D and 3D animatedproject based on a 1930s fantasy story by Robert E Howard, went to Odeon inGreece, Blanco & Travieso in Venezuela, and Italia Films in the MiddleEast.
Ron Perlman, MargHelgenberger, James Marsden, Clancy Brown, Mark Hamill, and Cree Summer areproviding voice talent for the project.
CMG is currently handlinginternational sales on the 3-D CGI animated feature Hoodwinked! The TrueStory Of Red Riding Hood, which theWeinstein Company will release in North America in December.
"Toronto was particularlygratifying this year," Noeltner said. "We had a number of distributors whoextended their working relationship with CMG and we also struck new allianceswith distributors in Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands and the UK."
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