Germanproducer-distributor Constantin Film has set itself asales target of $302m (Euros 250m) for 2006, which would top the $298m (Euros 246.9m)posted in the record yearof 2004 when Constantin released Dreamship Surprise - Period 1 and Downfall.
Thisforecast for 2006 is based on the anticipated theatrical performance of suchin-house and co-productions as Die Wilden Huehner, TKKG Und Die Raetselhafte Mind-Maschine, Der Raeuber Hotzenplotz,Hui Buh - Das Schlossgespenst and Perfume - The Story Of A Murderer aswell as Constantin's growing involvement in TVfiction service production.
Publishingits annual report for the 2005 fiscal year, Constantinannounced that the group sales had fallen year-on-year as anticipated by 13% to$258m (Euros 213.8m), although this result exceeded the target communicated inNovember 2005 "in spite of the difficult overall market situation."
Thereport also noted that the amount invested by Constantinin such in-house productions as Perfume,Dead Or Alive, Hui Buhand the Berlinale competition film Elementary Particles increased by over70% from 2004's $59.7m (Euro 49.5m) to $101.4m (Euros 84m), while the group'soutlay for the acquisition of exploitation rights for distribution and licencetrading almost doubled from $23.5m (Euros 19.5m) in 2004 to $42.8m (Euros 35.5m)last year.
Summingup the last fiscal year, Constantin explained that"thanks to the responsible corporate policy and the improvement in thestrategic alignment of the company, the business developed soundly in spite ofthe very difficult situation in the entire media segment last year. Thepurposeful expansion of the core business has reduced the inherent volatilityof the film business and we have succeeded in maintaining our position on themarket as one of the most important German media companies."
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