The Copenhagen International Film Festival has launchedindustry screenings for new Danish films for international buyers and festivalprogrammers.
The Copenhagen Screenings will be held between August 23-24as a pilot project.
Some ten - as yet unnamed - new Danish films,including two documentaries, will screen at the event.
Festival programmer Jacob Neiiendam said the films will nothave screened anywhere else prior to the Screenings.
The Copenhagen Screenings are being arranged by the Festivalin collaboration with the Danish Film Institute, Trust Film Sales and NordiskFilm International Sales.
The festival has sent out invitations to 60 buyers andfestival programmers for the two day event, and will provide two nights ofaccommodation at a four star hotel in Copenhagen.
The screenings will take place immediately following the NewNordic Films screening event at the Haugesund International Film Festival- although none of the films at Copenhagen will have screened at theNorwegian festival.
Copenhagen said the goal was "to offer the manyinternational film buyers and festivals a chance to screen the latest Danishfilms in one place, giving them a sneak preview on which to evaluate futurefilm acquisitions and Danish screenings at film festivals throughout theworld."
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