Hollywood legendTony Curtis and Maia Morgenstern are to star in Atlantic Alliance Pictures andHeritage Pictures' Holocaust story Love Is A Survivor.
Directed by byPhilip Saville, production is set to begin February 15, 2005 in Budapest,Hungary.
Love Is ASurvivor is billed as amajor holocaust film with a love story as its central theme. Curtis will playholocaust survivor Herman Rosenblat, alongside The Passion Of The Christ starMaia Morgenstern. Teen actor Thomas Sangster is set to play the central character.
Love is aSurvivor is aco-production between Atlantic Alliance Pictures in New York/London andHeritage Pictures in Warsaw.
Love Is ASurvivor is the truestory of Herman Rosenblat who survived the concentration camps with the help ofa young women who he later fell in love with and married.
Heritage'spresident Lew Rywin, whose credits include Schlinder's List and ThePianist, said he personally chose Hungary as a shoot location over hisnative Poland because of the 'optimum locations across the country and theopen arms he received from Hungarian government to shoot there.'
Italiancinematographer Blasco Giurato will lens, while Humphrey Dixon will edit. The LoveIs A Survivor screenplay was written by Harris Salomon and Matt Salzberg.
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