TheBerlin Film Festival's Panorama section is set to open with the world premiereof Daniel Burman's Family Law (Derechode Familia), in an initial swathe of filmsannounced by the section yesterday.
FamilyLaw, from
Panoramahas announced 21 films for Panorama and Panorama Special (films the sectionwants to draw particular attention to), and six features in PanoramaDocumentaries. All are either world or European premieres and include titles byMichel Gondry, Zhang Yuan, John Hillcoatand Neil Jordan.
Otherworld premieres include three German-produced titles - Bye Bye Berlusconi! , a satire about the fictional kidnapping of
Rounding out the world debuts are Royston Tan's
Theearly Panorama list - which will be fully finalised at the end of the month -also includes such top draws as Zhang Yuan's Little Red Flowers and No2, by Toa Fraser of New Zealand - all Sundance premieres at the end of thismonth.
Otheranticipated titles include the cream of the Toronto crop - John Hillcoat's The Proposition, Brothers of the Headstarring Luke and Harry Treadway, Iceland's Eleven Men Out,a gay soccer comedy which is a contender for the 20th anniversary ofBerlin's Teddy Awards, Canada's Lie With Me, AndruchaWaddington's The House Of Sand, and Mary Harron'sThe Notorious Bettie Paige.
NeilJordan's Breakfast On Pluto has also beenconfirmed for a Panorama airing, as has Marc Forster's Stay, with Ewan McGregor, Naimi Watts andRyan Gosling.
Inthe Panorama documentary section, four world premieres have been announced:these are Rampage by
Family Law(Derecho De Familia), byDaniel Burman, Argentina/Italy/France/Spain.
Panorama/Panorama Special
House of Sand by Andrucha Waddington (
Bye Bye Berlusconi! by Jan Henrik Stahlberg (
Der Kick (The Kick) by Andres Veiel(
Komm näher (Happy As One) by Vanessa Jopp (
Camping Sauvageby Christophe Ali (
Brothers OfThe Head by Keith Fulton, Louis Pepe (
The Proposition by John Hillcoat (UK/Aus)
Kaalpurush (Memories In The Mist) by Buddhadep Dasgupta (
Be Ahestegi...(Gradually...) by Maziar Miri(
Breakfast OnPluto by Neil Jordan (Ireland/UK)
Eleven Men Out by Robert Douglas(Iceland/Finland/UK)
Mechilot (Forgiveness) by Udi Aloni (US/Israel)
Shisso (Dead Run) by Sabu (
Lie With Me by Clement Virgo(
Heaven's Doors by Swel Noury, ImadNoury (
No.2 by Toa Fraser (
Nachbeben by Stina Werenfels (
Stay by Marc Forster (US)
The Notorious Bettie Page byMary Harron (US)
Little Red Flowers by ZhangYuan (China/Italy)
Panorama documentary
Rampage by George Gittoes (
Paper Dolls by Tomer Heymann(Israel/Switzerland)
Dave Chappelle'sBlock Party by Michel Gondry (US)
Leonard Cohen I'm Your Manby Lian Lunson (US)
Lover Other: The Story Of Claude Cahun And Marcel Mooreby Barbara Hammer (US)
WAL-MART: The High Cost Of Low Price by Robert Greenwald (US)
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