The Copenhagen THINKTANK,the new initiative organised by the Danish Film Institute (DFI) to ponderstrategy for European film, is looking over time to become a policy body.
'We have all the keyplayers with us, all the national institutes and a lot of people from theindustry,' said the DFI's Henning Camre in Cannes this week. Thelong-term goal is to devise policy that the European members will adhere to.
The Danes have been thedriving force behind the THINKTANK. The (approx) $382,845 (Euro 300,000) costof the venture is being picked up by the DFI as well as by sponsors. In future,Camre is hopeful that the cost will be shared by all the partners and that theTHINKTANK will take place in different locations every year.
This year's event will beheld from June 21-24. About 150 participants will be in Copenhagen, among themproducers, financiers, festival heads and senior industry analysts. Britishproducer David Puttnam is to give the keynote speech. There will also be apresentation by Geoffrey Gilmore, director of the Sundance Film Festival.Meanwhile, five workshops will be held by, assessing such matters as 'theobjectives and impacts of film funding,' 'the brand value of Europeanfilm,' and 'co-production mechanisms.'
'The overall aim is thestrengthening of European films in Europe. If we decide we would benefit fromhaving a European film policy, it should be made by the industry and the publicbodies,' said Camre. 'It's not that we don't appreciate what the MEDIAProgramme is doing but it has nothing to do with European film policy assuch.'
'I don't think we canchange the whole world in three days but the idea is that this will be acontinuing activity,' Camre continued.
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