Spanish-Italianmedia conglomerate DeA Planeta has boarded new Rioja Films thriller MirrorMaze as co-producer and local distributor.
Rioja chief Jose Antonio Romero and the film's director,Guillermo Groizard, unveiled the project at the San Sebastian InternationalFilm Festival (Sept 17-25).
It is oneof five feature co-productions brought to DeA Planeta by new executivepresident Alvaro Zapata from his previous job as vice president at Buena VistaInternational Spain. Zapata started in his new job on September 15.
RiojaFilms chief Jose Antonio Romero says he is still negotiating with UK and Frenchco-producers on the Euros 3m thriller he has developed with director andco-writer Groizard, a TV veteran.
Argentinaco-producer Isidro O. Miguel is also already on board. The film about a man whodiscovers nothing in his life is as it appears will shoot between Seville andBuenos Aires next spring.
Romerodefines Mirror Maze (El Laberinto De Espejos) as "a thriller withclassic elements of the genre: suspense, intrigue and action." Zapata adds thatsurprise plot twists make it "innovative in Spanish cinema and in the thrillergenre."
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