ArclightFilms' genre imprint Darclight Films concluded a raft of sales in Cannes on thehorror-comedy package Snoop Dogg's Hood Of Horror.
Dealsclosed with Presidio in Japan, Tiberius in Germany, Dutch Film Works inBenelux, Gulf Films in the Middle East, and MFI in Thailand.
Directedby Stacy Title, Snoop Dogg's Hood Of Horror comprises three tales set in an inner city Los Angelesneighbourhood where residents' actions determine their fate in the afterlife.
SnoopDogg stars alongside Ernie Hudson, Danny Trejo, Method Man, Jason Alexander,and Billy Dee Williams.
JonathanMcHugh, Martin Shore, Christopher Tuffin, Ted Chung and Tim Sullivan producedand Martin Shore, Snoop Dogg, John Baca and Gordon Steel served as executiveproducers.
Darclightsources said several other deals were in the pipeline including one for USdistribution. The picture is set to play in the Los Angeles Film Festival onJun 27.
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