Dimensions Films' family hit Spy Kids will be re-released in North America next Wednesday (Aug 8) with an additional three-minute underwater special effects scene cut from the original which opened on March 30 and went on to gross over $100m.
"It was one of my favourite scenes, but it was never completed because of the enormous amount of effects shots to be done in the time we had," explained writer/director Robert Rodriguez. "I initially thought of saving the scene for the sequel but when presented with the opportunity of a re-release, I was too excited for kids to see it now. I believe it is the best scene in the movie."
Spy Kids 2: Island Of Lost Dreams starts shooting in mid-September in Latin America and Texas; it is being postioned for an Aug 7, 2002, release date. Meanwhile Rodriguez is currently at work on Once Upon A Time In Mexico, the third in his El Mariachi trilogy which stars Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp.
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