The threefilm-makers behind Buena Vista's animated feature Brother Bear, which grossed $18.5m at the weekend(Oct 31-Nov 2), have signed a deal to make their next feature for Walt DisneyFeature Animation.
Directors AaronBlaise and Robert Walker and producer Chuck Williams will reprise their roleson an unspecified project for the studio. All three have been key contributorsto Walt Disney feature Animation Florida, which led the development on BrotherBear.
"Chuck, Aaronand Bob have done a remarkable job with Brother Bear and have created an exceptional andrichly rewarding motion picture experience for moviegoers of all ages," DickCook, chairman of the Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, said in a statement.
"We are looking forwardto working with them on their next film."
Williams madehis feature producing debut on Brother Bear and since 1998 has developed featureprojects for Disney's Florida Animation Studio.
Blaise joinedthe Florida unit in 1989 and his credits include supervising animator on Aladdin andThe Lion King and character animation assignments on BeautyAnd The Beast and TrailMix-Up.
Walker's layoutexperience at Florida includes overseeing scenes on The Rescuers Down Under,Beauty And The Beast andMulan, among others.
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