The broadcaster has launched CNN Films Presents, a sister brand to CNN Films, starting with March Of The Penguins on January 2 2014.
CNN Films Presents will broadcast acquired or commissioned documentaries after their theatrical run. The development follows recent comments by CNN head Jeff Zucker that he wanted to programme more shows and less news.
Unlike CNN Films content, the documentaries will secure broadcast windows that are not first-on-television premieres.
The Imposter (pictured) will be the second screening and is scheduled for broadcast on January 23.
“CNN Films Presents is a curated series of exceptional documentary feature films from the past for a new audience to discover and for fans to enjoy again,” said svp of development and acquisitions for CNN Worldwide, Vinnie Malhotra.
“We will revisit classics like March Of The Penguins, and more recent critically-acclaimed titles like The Imposter.”
Malhotra and svp of talent and content development Amy Entelis will curate the pipeline.
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