Audiencespreferred the crazy antics of Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn to the subtlerhumour of Tom Hanks at the weekend as Fox's comedy Dodgeball: A TrueUnderdog Story opened top on an estimated $30m.
Hanks anddirector Steven Spielberg had to settle for second place for The Terminal as it bowed on $18.7m, while WaldenMedia's Around The World In 80 Days, which was distributed by Buena Vista, opened ninth on a highlydisappointing $6.8m.
In a relativelyquiet weekend Dreamworks' Shrek 2 climbed to sixth in the all-time box office pantheon and isexpected to finished in the $425m region, while in its third weekend WarnerBros' Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban lost it top berth for the first time asit closed in on $200m.
In Dodgeball, Vaughn and Stiller play rivalscompeting for the grand prize at a Las Vegas tournament. Rawson M Thurber's well-reviewedcomedy also stars Christine Taylor and Rip Torn and averaged $11,135 from 2,694sites.
In TheTerminal, Hanks plays anEast European arrival in New York who's confined to the airport building when acoup in his homeland leaves him without an official nationality. CatherineZeta-Jones also stars in Spielberg's comedy, which enjoyed good reviews andaveraged $6,652 from 2,811.
On the whole thecritics didn't care for Frank Coraci's Around The World In 80 Days, which stars British comedian Steve Cooganas Phileas Fogg, the inventor who accepts a bet to circumnavigate the globe in80 days, and Jackie Chan as his valet Passepartout.
The Jules Verneadaptation, which also stars Cecile De France and Jim Broadbent, averaged$2,439 from 2,801 venues. It opened on Wednesday (16) and by the end of theweekend had amassed an estimated $9.6m.
Prisoner OfAzkaban tumbled to thirdplace on $17.4m for $190.3m, while Shrek 2 fell one place to fourth in its fifth weekend on $13.6m for$378.3m.
In their secondweekends Fox's Garfieldfell one to fifth on $11m for $42m, Paramount/Dreamworks' The Stepford Wives fell one to sixth on $9.2m for $39.5m,and Universal's The Chronicles Of Riddick tumbled five to seventh on $8.3m for $41.4m.
Next weekend'swide releases are: Lions Gate/IFC/Fellowship Adventure Group's Fahrenheit 9/11, from the inimitable Michael Moore;Universal's Two Brothers starring Guy Pearce and a pair of tigers; Sony/Revolution's WhiteChicks, which starsShawn and Marlon Wayans; and New Line's The Notebook starring Ryan Gosling and RachelMcAdams.
Estimated TopTen US Jun 18-20 2004
Film(Distributor)/International distribution/Estimated weekend gross/Estimatedtotal to date
1 (-) Dodgeball:A True Underdog Story(Fox) Fox Intl $30m -
2 (-) TheTerminal (Dreamworks)UIP $18.7m -
3 (1) HarryPotter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (Warner Bros) Warner Bros Pictures Intl $17.4m $190.3m
4 (3) Shrek 2 (Dreamworks) UIP $13.6m $378.3m
5 (4) Garfield:The Movie (Fox) Fox Intl$11m $42m
6 (5) TheStepford Wives(Paramount) Dreamworks/UIP $9.2m $39.5m
7 (2) The Chronicles OfRiddick (Universal) UIP $8.3m $41.4m
8 (6) The DayAfter Tomorrow (Fox) FoxIntl $7.6m $166.8m
9 (-) AroundThe World In 80 Days (BuenaVista) Summit Entertainment $6.8m $9.6m
10 (8) Troy (Warner Bros) Warner Bros Pictures Intl$1.7m $128.9m
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