Dogwoof Digital, therecently-formed arm of new UK distributor Dogwoof pictures, has announced itwill simultaneously release the low-budget feature EMR in cinemas, overthe internet and on DVD in a first for the UK market.

EMR will be released at one theatre each in London,Scotland and northern England on July 12, as well as be available to buy on DVDand download for £2.50 on the same day.

This is the first time a UKoutfit has attempted to close the distribution windows in this way, althoughseveral US companies such as Larry Meistrich's Fim Movement have pioneeredsimultaneous theatrical and DVD release for their memberships.

"We do intend to follow EMRup with more releases," said Dogwoof Digital CEO Andy Whittaker, "but this isobviously a big test."

Dogwoof Digitial willconcentrate on releasing lower-budget indie films, new directors and newproducers, while its sister company Dogwoof Pictures concentrates on larger,more traditional theatrical releases.

EMR won the Best UK feature at the 2004 Raindance FilmFestival; shot for £40,000 on HD, the thriller stars Adam Leese and WhitneyCummings and was written, directed and produced by James Erskines and DannyMcCullough.