Casting onAtlantic Film and Mairis Film's second world war drama The Aryan Couple has been completed with the arrival ofKenny Doughty and Caroline in the title roles.
Directed by John Daly, the picture centres on a Jewishindustrialist who is forced to turn over his vast empire to the Nazis to payfor his family's safe passage out of Poland.
Martin Landau,Judy Parfitt, Danny Webb, Steven McIntosh, Jake Wood, Austen Pamer, NolanHemmings and Gretchen Becker also star in the picture, which has commencedfilming outside Warsaw.
Peter Beale andDaly are producing The Aryan Couple based on a screenplay by Kendrew Lascelles and Daly.
CelebrationPictures is handling foreign sales and will show footage at Cannes.
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