Kirk Douglas and producer Edward Lewis received the Freedom ofExpression Medal last night (8) for their support of blacklisted writer DaltonTrumbo during McCarthy-era America in the 1950s.
The pair defied Senator Joseph McCarthy and his Communistwitch-hunt by crediting "Hollywood Ten" writer Dalton Trumbo as one of the writerson the 1960 epic Spartacus.
Trumbo had been one of the most successful screenwriters inHollywood before the House Un-American Activities Committee accused him of belongingto the Communist Party.
He served time in prison for refusing to answer questions abouthis affiliation to the Communist Party, acknowledging his membership yearslater.
Trumbo received the best screenplay Oscar for The Brave One in 1976, nearly 20 years after thepicture came out, and was posthumously awarded a second Oscar in 1993 for RomanHoliday, 40 years afterthat picture opened.
Institute ofModern Letters founder Glenn Schaeffer presented the medals at a privateceremony at UCLA in Los Angeles, followed by a screening of a restored print ofSpartacus.
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