The Dutch Film Fund has granted production subsidies for five major new Dutch featurefilms. The total production subsidy amounts to $2.03m (Euros 1.7m.) The grantshave been awarded to four different production companies: IdtVFilm, 24FPS Features, Feature Partners and LagesteeFilm.
IdtV Film received funds for two features, the first Unfinished Sky is the long awaitedremake of Dutch 1998 art house hit ThePolish Bride, the story of a female Afghan refugee escaping from anAustralian brothel and finding peace with a silent farmer. Unfinished Sky received$239,570 (Euros 200,000) Peter Duncan is directing with Dutch actress Monic Hendrickx starring as theAfghan prostitute.
BollywoodLove, IdtV'ssecond feature received $543,628 (Euros 453,780). The film is based on realevents experienced by Dutch actor Egbert Jan Weeber about two adventurous young boys who travel to
The bird can't fly by 24FPS Features was the recipient of $370,372 (Euros309,159) This is a psychological tragedy of thestruggle between an old white woman and a small black boy. South African
Mata Hari's Last Love by Feature Partners, tells the tale of therelationship between a nun and Dutch courtesan Mata Hari,who was executed in
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