Spanish animation company Dygra Films is developing a new 3D animation project called Lost & Found, to be directed by the company’s president Manolo Gomez.
Children’s author and successful TV scriptwriter Susana Lopez Rubio is writing the script about an 11-year-old boy who goes in search of all the things he’s lost, which takes him on an adventure with incredible creatures.
“We are planning on make it an international co-production and are currently holding talks with US and European companies with the intention of having versions in English and Spanish,” Lucas Mackey, a producer at Dygra Films confirmed to ScreenDaily.
Gomez directed and produced The Living Forest (2001), one of the most successful Spanish animations of all time.
Dygra Films has decided to postpone the release of its 3D animation Holy Night.
“We had an offer for it to be released on 400 prints this Christmas on 35mm, but we have decided to wait until Christmas 2011 to release it on digital,” Mackey confirmed.
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