Spanish animation producer Dygra Films has pre-sold itsanticipated new feature film Midsummer Dream to Scanbox Entertainmentfor rights in five Scandinavian countries.
Scanbox took rights in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland andDenmark, meaning the film has now racked up pre-sales to 61 internationalterritories through sales handler Lumina Films.
The deal was closed at the recent Cartoon Movie market inBerlin, where Dygra's new executive producer Tania Pinto Da Cunha, formerlywith Lolafilms and London's HanWay, made her company debut.
Negotiations are also underway for sales to the UK andGermany. Midsummer tells the tale of a world in jeopardy when humansstop dreaming. It will be released in Spain next June by Buena Vista on a wide 250 prints.
Dygra presented two new features in development at CartoonMovie including The Spirit Of The Forest, a sequel to the company's 2001international hit The Living Forest, which has already sold to Russiaand could soon close pre-sales to France, Italy, Belgium and Holland.
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