The European Commission (EC) has adopted the plan for a newMEDIA Programme - entitled MEDIA 2007 - to run from January 1 2007 to 31December 2013 with a proposed budget of Euros 1.055bn, up from the currentProgramme's Euro 493m.
In the seven-year budget breakdown, Euros 318m would beallocated for the improvement of skills and project development; Euros 566m for distribution, exhibitionand promotion measures; Euros 52mfor pilot projects; Euros 34.7m for institutions such as the network of MEDIADesks and the European Audiovisual Observatory; and Euro 85m for administrativecosts.
The MEDIA 2007's remit includes film and television,video and DVD.
The MEDIA 2007 proposal now seek approval from the Councilof Ministers and the European Parliament before the end of 2005.
The EC indicated in its proposal document to the Council andParliament that MEDIA 2007 would "structurally simplify Communityintervention for the audiovisual sector" through the establishment of asingle integrated programme (MEDIA 2007) to replace two existing ones (MEDIAPlus and MEDIA Training)."
The Commission also explained that it would be considering"all possible means" to ease bureaucratic restraints onbeneficiaries. In future, the focus would, for example, be on simplifying applicationforms and procedures and providing a transparency in awarding procedures.
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