Pip Eldridge has beenappointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of First Light, the UK's youngfilmmaking programme.
Using £1 million a year ofthe UK Film Council's share of National Lottery proceeds, First Light enablesyoung people between the ages of 5 to 18 to make short films under the guidanceof professional filmmakers, helping youngsters to learn filmmaking skillsincluding scriptwriting, producing, editing, acting, sound, lighting anddirecting, and improving their communication and team working skills.
Priorto taking up her new post, Eldridge was the Exhibition and Education Managerfor the capital's film agency Film London, and was responsible for thestrategic development of film exhibition and education across London. Eldridge has also previously worked for theUK Film Council and the British Film Institute (bfi).
Since it was set up in 2001,First Light has funded more than 500 films produced by more than 8,000filmmakers across the UK.
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