FocusFeatures executive vice president of business affairs Avy Eschenasy has beengiven an expanded role of executive vice president of strategic planning,business affairs and acquisitions.
Basedin the company's West Coast offices, Eschenasy has served as executive vicepresident at Focus since its inception in spring 2002.
Thecompany's business affairs departments in Focus' Manhattan and West Coastoffices will continue to report to him regarding all aspects of the Focus andRogue Pictures slates.
Eschenasywill work more closely with Focus Features president Andrew Karpen on strategicplanning for all Focus divisions, a broadened purview that encompasses businessplans, financial modelling and growth strategies.
Eschenasywill continue to work directly with Focus' senior vice president Jason Resnickin the acquisitions arena.
Amongthe projects Eschenasy has overseen are Brokeback Mountain, The Pianist,Lost In Translation, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and The Constant Gardener.
Eschenasypreviously served as executive vice president of business affairs at USA Films,senior vice president of business affairs at October Films, and vice presidentof business and legal affairs at New Line.
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