The US premiere of Emilio Estevez's ensemble drama Bobby will open AFI Fest 2006 on Nov 1.
Festival organisers also unveiled 13 world premieres, among themChad Lowe's comedy Beautiful Ohio starring William Hurt, Rita Wilson and Julianna Margulies; DavidCunningham's thriller After; and David Stenn's documentary Girl 27, about a former dancer who was forcedinto hiding after she was raped while escaping a raucous stag party organisedby MGM in 1937.
Bobbyrevisits the night Robert F Kennedy was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel inLos Angeles in 1968. The cast includes Anthony Hopkins, Helen Hunt, LindsayLohan, William H Macy, Demi Moore, and Elijah Wood.
"When I began writing Bobby is the summer of 2000, I had a growing frustrationwith runaway production," Estevez said. "It seemed that one remedywas to create a piece indigenous to Los Angeles by setting the film at theinfamous Ambassador Hotel. Surely, this grand hotel could never be duplicatednorth of the border.
"It is only fitting that the US premiere takes place in LosAngeles. AFI FEST choosing my picture for the opening night is as big of a thrillas a filmmaker could hope for. I am honoured to be chosen for this auspiciousevent." Bobbywill be released through MGM on Nov 17.
AFI FEST 2006 will run from Nov 1-12. For more details visit the websiteat
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