European Film Promotion (EFP) is tolaunch a series of Industry Screenings in New York in November 2005 with theaim of introducing new European films to North American buyers.
Thisinitiative, supported by the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, will featureone screening each of four new European films. The screenings will take placeon November 14 and 15 at the Tribeca Film Center, and willbe limited to invited members of the industry.
Salesagents for the films will be actively involved in the marketing strategy andpresentation of the films, and the directors will be invited to New York tointroduce the films. There will be a reception following the screenings on bothdays.
Claudia Landsberger, EFP President, commented: "Bystepping out of EFP's traditional structure of working within establishedfestivals, the organisation is heading in a new direction in supporting thepromotion and marketing of films worldwide."
TheIndustry Screenings are modeled on the successful German Films series held inNew York over the past 12 months.
ChristianDorsch, EFP Board Member and Managing Director German Films, "Our experiencewith private, invitation only screenings in New York has been extremelypositive. A number of films which we have presented have been picked up forNorth American distribution. It is well worth the effort to attempt the samewith high-quality films from throughout Europe."
EFPmembers are in the process of selecting the films to play at the Screenings,which will be announced at the end of September.
Followingthe four screenings in November, EFP will continue the series next year withscreenings tentatively scheduled for March, June and October
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