The members of European FilmPromotion (EFP) have elected a new Board of Directors at its general assemblymeeting during Cannes.
The Board is composed of sixmembers and the term of office lasts for two years.
Claudia Landsberger has beenre-elected as President and Christian Dorsch has been re-elected asVice-President, both for a fifth consecutive term
The other members of the EFPboard are: Stine Oppegaard (Norwegian Film Institute, Head of InternationalRelations, Feature Film); ÉvaVezer (Magyar Filmunio, Hungary, General Manager); Pilar Torre (ICAA, Spain, Subdirector General Promotion);and Francine Brücher (Swiss Films,International Promotion).
Landsberger commented: "I amvery pleased to stay President of this unique network and to continue our efforts to strengthen the visibility ofEuropean cinema worldwide.
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