All Features articles – Page 275
'Three Colours Trilogy' (1993-94)
Director: Krzysztof Kieslowski (France-Poland-Switzerland)
From cinema to Screen
Former editor Quentin Falk looks back at the launch of Screen International into the troubled industry waters of 1975.
The changing face of festivals
Over the past four decades, the festival landscape has been in a state of constant evolution, with events coming and going all over the world.
VFX: Lights, camera, magic
Four decades ago, film-making technology embarked on a journey that took it far, far away from the rudimentary techniques of previous eras. John Hazelton tracks the progress of the tech revolution
Forty Years of British Film
Over the past 40 years, the UK film industry has had its share of creative and financial ups and downs. Screen tracks its progress from the depression of the mid-1980s to the highs of recent years.
The Birth of the Mega-Franchise
One of the biggest changes of the past four decades has been the supersonic growth of the film franchise, fuelled by international audiences’ insatiable demand for characters rather than actors. Screen examines this billion-dollar business
Screen at 40: Festival heads reflect on 2015 and beyond
There can be no doubt that 2015 has been a banner year for international cinema and, to celebrate, leading festival heads pick the films they believe we will still be talking about 40 years from now
1975: Dawn of the blockbuster
Screen International was lunched at a time the industry was on the verge of great change, one being shaped by summer tentpoles and the seeds of modern co-production. Screen takes a look at the state of international film in 1975.
Screen ads: 007, VHS pirates and Cannon Fodder
A sample of adverts that have graced the pages of Screen International show familiar faces, bygone moguls and films that were never to be