All Features articles – Page 355
Drawing on diversity
Animated features are becoming less child-centric, with even Pixar exploring darker tones. John Hazelton surveys this year’s trends, plus the international productions that are making waves
The last bite
Currently rolling out worldwide, will the final instalment of the Twilight Saga manage to stake a bigger claim on the global market than previous films in the series? Ian Sandwell reports
Michael Haneke
Michael Haneke’s latest film Amour won the Palme d’Or at Cannes this year and continues to attract awards attention. The Austrian auteur talks to John Hazelton about tackling ageing and suffering on screen — and why he doesn’t like improvisation
Serving The Master
Rumours flew about the subject of Paul Thomas Anderson’s latest film during production. The director and his producer tell Andreas Wiseman about the real journey behind The Master.
John Gatins
Screenwriter John Gatins tells Jeremy Kay about his marathon struggle to write the screenplay that triggered arguably the finest performance of Denzel Washington’s career
An international rendezvous
With a new December slot running concurrently with the Asia TV Forum & Market, ScreenSingapore is aiming to provide a crossing point for the Asian and international film businesses. Jean Noh reports
Richard Gere
Richard Gere could be in line for his first Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a conflicted financial executive and family man in Arbitrage.
The fight over formats
A Bafta and Directors UK panel brought industry experts together in London to discuss whether or not shooting on film is still viable in the digital world. Wendy Mitchell reports
Oscars 2013: foreign-language film profiles
Seventy-one films have been submitted for the foreign-language film Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards. Screen profiles them all, including festival winners and Kenya’s first ever entry
Gained in translation
What does a foreign-language film prize mean at the box office? Ian Sandwell explores recent winners’ records
Asia Pacific heights
The Asia Pacific Screen Awards (Nov 23) shines the spotlight on a vast region that organisers say does not always receive the attention it deserves. Sandy George reports
Shopping trip
Lucrative, stable and sophisticated - it’s no surprise the Australia and New Zealand market is drawing foreign investors. Sandy George reports
Caper crusader
It took producer Mike Lobell more than a decade to get Gambit into production, traversing a range of potential backers, film-makers and stars before aligning the Coen brothers, Michael Hoffman, Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz. He tells Jeremy Kay why it has been an ‘amazing education’
Stockholm International Film Festival
This year’s festival showcased more than 170 films from over 50 countries.
India’s international horizons
Now in its sixth year, Goa’s Film Bazaar co-production market (Nov 21-24) has become a key plank in the National Film Development Corporation’s strategy to revitalise Indian cinema. Liz Shackleton reports
Beyond Film Bazaar
With the NFDC’s production initiatives steaming ahead, the government body has turned its attention to distribution and industry development. Liz Shackleton reports
Roman Coppola
Roman Coppola talks to Screen about his new film A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III and how he found working with his old friend Charlie Sheen.
Rama Burshtein
Rama Burshtein is the first Orthodox Jewish woman in Israel to make a feature film for a non-Orthodox audience. But she says Fill The Void is about feelings, not religion. Wendy Mitchell meets the director
AFM buyers seek quality and cast
UPDATED: Buyers may have been reporting high prices but this year’s American Film Market underlined the strength and resourcefulness of the independent space. Jeremy Kay analyses the market.