Monica Mazzoleni Moroni

Agent, Imomi Talent Management

  • Moved to Rome in 2018 to become an agent at IPC Management
  • Opened her own talent agency in 2021 

There is only one employee at Imomi Talent Management: Mazzoleni Moroni. It is a choice: “I don’t want assistants at the moment because I have a relationship based on trust with my actors, I don’t want anybody else talking to them. It’s me they will discuss their projects with, because I know them.”

This self-sufficient approach sprung out of the pandemic, when Mazzoleni Moroni — who had learned the business working as an assistant at several Milan-based talent agencies — decided to leave her job at IPC Management to open her own agency. Now, she represents actors including Stefania Seimur (who is cast in Roman Polanski’s latest film), Alberto Brosio (I May Destroy You) and Martha Blanc (Sky Rojo).

Mazzoleni Moroni says she and her actors all work towards the same goal: to build national and international careers one step at a time.

“The best lessons I learned about how to be an international actor came from Rutger Hauer,” she says, talking about the late Dutch actor with whom she worked though not as his representative. “The strong part of the agency are the newcomers and what I try to teach them is being humble as Rutger Hauer was.”
