Pony Ma

Source: Gelee Lai

Pony Ma

Programmer, Taipei Film Festival

Pony Ma did not study film, but channeled her love of cinema into writing film reviews for local publications while in college. She joined Taipei Film Festival in 2018 as an intern while studying for a masters degree in information management, and held various positions there before becoming a programmer in 2022.

“I hope to use festivals as a platform to introduce films that are not seen in commercial theatres to the Taiwanese audiences and broaden their imaginations about film,” she says of her professional ambitions.

Over the last few years Ma has worked closely with fellow programmer Hung Jianluen, curating the entire festival selection of around 130 films between just the two of them. Among the filmmakers in focus they have presented at the festival are Chinese artist Qiu Jiongjiong, Belgian director Bas Devos and German filmmaker Angela Schanelec. “Their works can change your impression on traditional films,” says Ma.

It can, she admits, be a challenge to secure films for the festival. “The Taiwan­ese film market is competitive, with 10-20 new titles on release every week. Many have been snapped up by Taiwanese distributors. We need to communicate with them and respect their distribution plans. The rise of streaming platforms raises concern.”

Ma is a co-founder of The Collective, a Taiwan-based non-profit community for fostering civic and political engagements. It has curated several short-film programmes, including Anger Through Southeast Asia for Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg in 2022. She is also a member of the International Cinephile Society and Taiwan Film Critics Society.

Contact: Pony Ma