Film-makers in London have been urged to follow instructions from thepolice and emergency services in the wake of the series of bomb-blasts thatstruck the capital yesterday.
The bomb attacks on London'stransport network killed at least 50 people and injured scores more.
There were three explosionson the Underground and one on adouble-decker bus.
London film agency FilmLondon - which helps co-ordinate shoots in the city - issued the following noteto film-makers today:
"In view of today's emergency events in central London, Film London wouldurge all film and media productions intending to shoot in London at this timeto take strong regard of, and follow any instructions given by all of thegovernment agencies including the police and the emergency services.
"Furthermore, Film London would advise all productions to contact boththeir legal representatives and insurance companies in every event. If you arein any doubt please contact either your commissioner, broadcaster, agency orother contractor representative to discuss your particular situation.
One of the most high profile films currently shooting in London isAnthony Minghella's Breaking And Entering, which is seven weeks into aneleven week shoot. The film, which is set in London's King Cross area - one ofthe main districts hit by the blasts this morning - was shooting just outsidecentral London, in Primrose Hill.
Colin Vaines, who isoverseeing the production on behalf of Miramax Films and The Weinstein Company,said that a trainee grip working on the film was travelling in a car next tothe bus that exploded and was taken to hospital. He has since been discharged.
Vaines said that shootingwill continue as planned on the film, but that the situation will be monitoredon a daily basis to ensure that strict health and safety standards aremaintained.
Other films shooting inLondon now include Woody Allen's second London set film.
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