Worldwide sales of Paulavan de Oest's Toronto film Hidden Flaws (Verborgen Gebreken) areto be handled by Andrew Herwitz's New York-based The Film Sales Company following a deal struckduring the last days of the festival.
The film, adapted by Tamara Bos, from Renate Dorrestein's novel A CryingShame, is a family drama that sees a young woman go on the run with herbrother after she kills theirolder brother. Toronto programmer JaneSchoettle's said: "Hidden Flaws is an extraordinary film about thedistance between our inner and outer lives, about a woman who is still a child,and some children worldly beyond their years."
Hidden Flaws is a Dutch-UK co-production produced by Jacqueline de Goeij ofFilmprodukties de Luwte and Bob Last of SellOutPictures. Van de Oest, whodirected last year's foreign-language Oscar nominee Zus And Zo, has sether next two pictures with De Luwte and SellOutPictures.
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