Spanishproduction fund Filmanova Invest has unveiled three new films for 2006 withinternational names attached like Barry Gifford, Eva Green, Paul Auster andDaniel Schmid.
Using theDonostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept 15-24) as a platform,Filmanova chief Anton Reixa presented the projects on Tuesday with many of thetalents on hand.
Bertoluccidiscovery Eva Green (The Dreamers) has just signed on to star in PaulAuster novel adaptation In The Country Of Last Things. The estimated Euros4m futuristic tale will be directed by Argentina's Alejandro Chomski (TodayAnd Tomorrow), who co-wrote the script with Auster. A European sales agentis in talks.
The film willshoot in Argentina in English and Spanish next spring with co-producersAquafilms (Arg) and Pentagrama Films (Sp). In a taped message, Auster said thebook, published in 1988, "is very close to my heart" and praisedChomski as "a brilliant young director. I am very happy Argentina waschosen as the site of the story."
Beta Cinemawill handle international sales on Schmid's moody love triangle Portovero,a Euros 3-3.5m English-language co-production with Switzerland's T&C Filmsstarring Spanish heartthrob Eduardo Noriega (The Wolf). It will shoot inlate 2005/early 2006
"We'veworked long and hard on the script and I think it's the best screenplay I'veever written," Gifford (Wild At Heart) said in San Sebastian."I look forward to finally seeing this project realised."
The third newproject on Filmanova's 2006 slate is the Spanish-language Eyes (Ojos),Argentine director Juan Taratuto's follow-up to local smash It's Not You,It's Me (No Sos Vos, Soy Yo). The co-production with Argentina's RizomaFilms and Notro Films, which is handling international sales and Spanishdistribution, was written by Pablo Solarz (Minimal Stories) and turns ona man whose strict morals clash with those of his pregnant girlfriend.
Filmanovaco-production Camaron, a biopic about the flamenco legend, playedearlier this week in San Sebastian as a special screener in the city's massiveVelodrome arena.
*In other SanSebastian news, Rezo Films closed a sale to Switzerland's XenixFilmdistribution on Stephane Brize's competition title Not Here To Be Loved(Je Ne Sui Pas La Pour Etre Aime), which had good buzz following itsscreenings Monday.
- Andreas Dresen's laconiccomedy Summer In Berlin (Sommer Vorm Balkon), in competition at SanSebastian, was sold to Spain's Alta Films and France's Ocean Films Distributionby sales agent X World Sales.
- Latido saidit would use San Sebastian to follow up with buyers onBlessed By Fire(Iluminados Por El Fuego), whichhad itsofficialpremiereat the festival on Tuesday nightafter. Atrailerof the film about the Falklands' War was shown in Toronto. Latidounveiled sales recently closed in Toronto on a handful of other films includingViva Cuba to Venezuela (Blanchica) and Peru (Gatenofilms), The Methodto Venezuela (Cines Unidos), and Incautos to Brazil(Casablanca/Broadway).
- BlessedBy Fire wontheFilmsin Progressaward at the San Sebastian completionfinancingprogramme last year. This year's edition of the increasinglypopular two-day event kicked off on Tuesday. On Monday, the one-dayspin-offinitiative Films in Motion, focusing on features and projectsfrom the Maghreb and Portuguese-speaking Africa, was held with participantsexpressing satisfaction at the results. The top Films in Motion prize went toSol de Carvalho's O Jardim Do Outro Homem from Mozambique, while theSwiss Effects-Fribourg Festival awardwentto Tunisian Jilani Saadi'sMariage Du Loup.
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